What we do


As a team of experts from various fields, we leverage our collective experience and skills to provide your yacht and crew with a customized support service. Sageseas promotes a supportive and cohesive environment where crew members can thrive both personally and professionally.

yacht in marina
photo of MY polar star, moored up
three crew members standing in front of a main sail

Who do we work with?

We collaborate with management companies, captains, and crew worldwide. As the superyacht industry evolves, prioritizing crew well-being and fostering a positive onboard culture have become essential for sustainable and successful operations.

With the Sageseas initiative leading, captains and crew members can navigate the industry with confidence, knowing that they have the unwavering support of a shoreside team dedicated to their safety, productivity, and overall wellbeing.

surveysworkshopsdata analysisconsultationfitnesssupport

Tailored Online Crew Surveys

Engagement: A survey specifically designed for your yacht/crew, it offers an opportunity for an onboard assessment of crew wellbeing, dynamics, culture, and expectations for the future.

Offboarding surveys / exit interviews



Available  onboard or online we deliver various workshops that focus on:

  • Leadership
  • Wellbeing
  • Crew Culture

Data Analysis

Combining technology and coaching:

Using professional-grade HRV monitors, and mobile app, we monitor stress, sleep, exercise and recovery.

The results report is followed up by one to one coaching sessions and a personalized development plan.

data analysis

1:1 Consultations

We provide private consultations with our yachting industry experienced and qualified psychotherapist/ hypnotherapist.

Our services extend to supporting both crew members and their families.


Crew Fitness and Training

If your yacht is in Mallorca, we can offer onboard training sessions OR

Pop up, on location half day in the countryside of Mallorca, Group training, followed with use of pool and healthy snacks and juices.


Tailored Annual Support

We provide comprehensive annual support with customized service packages for your yacht. Our offerings include pre season and post season evaluation surveys, continued crew development, regular consultations and the latest industry updates.


Tools We Use

The Firstbeat personal measuring device provides highly accurate physiological measurements on stress, recovery, sleep, fitness and physical activity.

A user friendly mobile app gives you access to your own measurements and results.

One to one coaching from our expert performance coach allow us to create a personalized development plan, using insights gained from the data.

firstbeat life monitor

Who Benefits?


Retain a consistent, loyal crew with familiar, friendly faces, who know your specific preferences and needs. Reduce crew turnover and the costs and inconvenience incurred.


Come onboard to a committed and happy crew, who work as a team with a unified goal to deliver an excellent, personal service.


A happy crew is a loyal crew. With Sageseas, you can create a positive work culture that fosters job satisfaction, with happiness and fulfilment on board.


Experience invaluable, dedicated shoreside support to develop onboard policies, procedures and to enhance crew morale.


Reassurance that your supported and professional crew comply with the highest industry standards, reflecting positively on your organisation’s reputation.

The Sageseas Process

This is how we work together on your objective and support your crew.

Everything is tailored to your needs, and we’re with you every step of the way to ensure that the service supports you and your crew.


Discuss your yacht and crew needs.


Engagement survey to assess crew wellbeing, dynamics, culture, & expectations for the future.


Implement chosen services.


Ongoing support with your crew wellbeing, personal & professional development.

Engage Sageseas to:

Ensure Optimum Safety

Sageseas understands that onboard safety is critical. A healthy, well trained and unified crew is essential to the successful implementation of safety management systems that are in place.

Demonstrate Commitment

By engaging Sageseas you will be making a commitment to the promotion of positive mental and physical fitness of your crew, opening lines of communication and encouraging best onboard working practices.

Improve Crew Retention

Retaining crew is forever more challenging, and recruitment of suitably trained replacements difficult and costly.

Develop Onboard Wellbeing Policy

Recent industry survey results indicate that definition and clarity of onboard policy and procedures could be improved.

Sound like something you need?

Get started by scheduling an introduction call to discuss your needs.